Arango Cigar Co. recently introduced value-priced NICARANGO Cigars at the 2018 International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers trade show to rave reviews. This exclusive Nicaraguan hand-made cigar is a new addition to Arango’s extensive line of premium cigars, briar pipes, pipe tobaccos and accessories. NICARANGO is a mellow-bodied yet robust and full-flavored cigar that is consistently well-constructed. This affordable bundle of 20 boasts a creamy smooth flavor that appeals to all smokers. The two sizes offered are Supremo (61/4 x 45, a Churchill size) and Toro (6 x 50). The wrapper is available in Ecuadorian Sumatra (Natural) and Connecticut Broadleaf (Maduro). Both cigars share an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and Nicaraguan filler. The cigars are individually cello-wrapped. NICARANGO Toro has a wholesale cost of $1.06 per cigar, while Supremo wholesales for $1.12 per cigar. Their price and quality, as well as the eye-catching, attractive packaging, make this handsome cigar quite desirable. Arango has the line available for immediate purchase.
For More Information From Arango Cigar Co.
(800) 222-4427