Hussmann has launched its newest cooling solution, the Krack Monoblock, an all-in-one condensing unit and evaporator solution using R290 refrigerant. The Monoblock addresses AIM regulations with its unique air- and water-cooled design. The new self-contained Monoblock is precharged with propane — requiring no refrigerant piping. The technology features variable speed compressors, electronically commutated fan motors and hot gas defrost.
The energy-efficient Monoblock reduces full-store refrigerant charge by up to 95% versus using hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants and reduces total annual carbon dioxide emissions by 6% when compared with a condensing unit and evaporator.
C-Stores looking for medium- and low-temperature refrigeration solutions can easily install the Monoblock in as little as two to three hours. This is a retrofit alternative when replacing an existing rooftop condensing unit and evaporator. The Monoblock doesn’t require cranes for rooftop installation — it installs directly to the cooler or freezer walk-in.