Tastykake has launched the second phase of Scoop Shop, its new ice cream inspired product line. The Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches are available everywhere Tastykake is sold. The new offering features a smooth, mint-flavored filling sandwiched between two chocolate, chocolate chip cookies. Sure to satisfy any sweet tooth, this new product gives chocolate lovers the flavor they’ve been craving. Available in both single-serve and multipack, the single-serve offering is perfect for on-the-go snacking. It includes two cookie sandwiches per 2.4-ounce pack, with an individual estimated retail price (ERP) of $1.79. The single serve offering come with 72 packs per case. The multipack offering comes with eight individually wrapped sandwiches per 9.6-ounce box, with an individual ERP of $3.99. The multipack offering comes with nine boxes per case.
For More Information From Tastykake www.tastykake.com