Pure Stasis CBD, or Cannabidiol, is an all-natural 100% USA made therapeutic nutraceutical product. It’s doctor tested and patient approved for maximum body retention. Don’t be fooled with gimmicks about water-soluble products and products that contain false fillers. Pure Stasis products are made with time-released oils allowing for complete absorption and lasting up to 12 hours. Scientists are rapidly discovering more about the rather amazing abilities of the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Over the course of this year (and many years prior) Cannabidiol has been shown to be a potential therapy for: Anxiety, Epilepsy/Seizure, Psychotic Disorders, Stroke Rehabilitation, PTSD, Pain, Colitis, High Blood Pressure, Liver Injury. Many of these cannabinoids have therapeutic value and CBD is no exception. Pure Stasis CBD is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid, meaning it does not contribute to the euphoria associated with certain strains of cannabis. It is, however, psychoactive, because it crosses the blood-brain barrier. Unlike THC, Pure Stasis CBD can be administered at relatively high doses without undesired psychological side effects.
For More Information From Licensed E-liquids Manufacturing
orders@purestasis.com or Andrew.mcintosh@licensedeliquids.com