MSP Inc., one of Colorado’s local beverage suppliers, has introduced ELITE WATER with SPINLABELS. ELITE WATER bottles with SPINLABELS are the next generation in cross-marketing to customers and will transform a retailers bottled water sales into a dynamic and flexible marketing platform unlike ever before. Any retailer and other businesses that offer bottled water can increase a customers impulse buys up to 5X just from a single bottle of ELITE WATER. Each bottle of water includes five ad inner ad panels allowing for multiple promotional opportunities from a case or single bottle of ELITE WATER. ELITE WATER bottle uses a patented ‘2-n-1 label’ with the outer label with a window that spins over a inner label ads allowing for impulse buys a retailer wants to offer at POS. A retailer can add their own in-store and/or manufacture coupons along with dynamic QR codes, text and images on each ELITE WATER bottle.
For More Information From ELITE WATER
Contact Daniel Rogers, VP sales at (303) 955-6452